Oh, and btw, I /did/ pick "Spectre/Specter" apart, line by line, word by
word, and thought by thought a couple of years ago during the course of 4000
post threads... nobody managed a rebutal, choosing instead to critique /me/.
you will never create a critical analysis of Renay's poem <snip>
Never said I did or would create a "critical analysis" of her poem,
but my /reviews/ of the poem nailed it, in my opinion.
"...'spectre' is a *lazy* piece of poetry [by many definitions of
poetry posted here by the Big Guns, probably not a "poem", at all],
the only worthwhile (well not that worthwhile) images are of the
Scarecrow and stringy hair... and even those are spartan, or slack,
depending on the perspective. Its a confessional, navel gazing poem,
usually not held in great favor by the Big Guns when posted by non-
friends, including *you*, as I recall. And last, but in no way least,
the "plot" is a soap opera cliche`, seen thousands of times, and just
plain stale..."
Don't agree with my review of "Specter/Spectre"?
Write yours, then.
Dockery is a *lazy* piece of shit [by many definitions of poetry
posted here by the Big Guns, probably not a "man", at all], the only
worthwhile (well not that worthwhile) images are of the scared
staggering and stringy vomit... and even those are slobbovian, or
slack, depending on the perspective and how close his face is to the
floor. He's a confessional, navel-gazing sort of shit whose
familiarity with true soap is nonexistent, usually not held in great
favor by the Big Guns when posted by himself or friends, including
*Vera*, as I recall. And last, but in no way least, his "plot" is a
soap opera cliche, seen on bar floors and alleys thousands of times,
and just plain stale unless he was thrown out within three minutes of
your tripping on him.
-- A Big Gun, IIRC
You're not good at that. A *real* quacktiquer
would have stretched that across 4000+ posts.