Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
stealing his poem
And I'm sure you'll do a great job on it too, Dale; certainly betterthan you'd do on an original.
borrowing it?
You are correct of course: it is okay to "steal" if the "steal" is
with such sensitivity and art that it transforms the "stolen" material
i.e. makes it anew. </q> - Dale Houstman>
So is "Friends are overrated."
So here's that link again, for both those interested in reading some
"She Sleeps Tight", vocals by Will Dockery & Sandy Madaris, guitars by
Brian Mallard. Paintings by George
In case it matters, Ill tell you: my name
Is Haji; I live inside the ghazal.
"The Prophet", Roger Sedarat
http://www.othervoicespoetry.org/vol41/sedarat/index.html> ?Is Haji; I live inside the ghazal.
"The Prophet", Roger Sedarat
"She Sleeps Tight", vocals by Will Dockery & Sandy Madaris, guitars by
Brian Mallard. Paintings by George