William M Dockery: "It is okay to stagger on stage slurring your words and ogling the woman sitting nearby..."
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
stealing his poem
And I'm sure you'll do a great job on it too, Dale; certainly better
than you'd do on an original.
Dale can't seem to make up his mind, is he stealing the poem or just
borrowing it?
Well, the important question is whether or not he"s "transforming"
You are correct of course: it is okay to "steal" if the "steal" is
with such sensitivity and art that it transforms the "stolen" material
i.e. makes it anew. </q> - Dale Houstman>
That's a keeper of a quote!

So is "Friends are overrated."
So here's that link again, for both those interested in reading some
In case it matters, I’ll tell you: my name
Is Haji; I live inside the ghazal.
"The Prophet", Roger Sedarat
http://www.othervoicespoetry.org/vol41/sedarat/index.html> ?
"She Sleeps Tight", vocals by Will Dockery & Sandy Madaris, guitars by
Brian Mallard. Paintings by George

Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
Sure is... it would be even moreso if you seemed to understand what
the statement means.

I know what it means, Duckery. It means you're a self-absorbed asshole who
said "friends are overrated" and now you're trying to backpedal on what you
meant at the time, you Duckrish little clown.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
It means you're a worthless douchebag who is backpedalling on what he said
and how he said it, you post-snipping snipe.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
That you're a narcisstic fool who has lost numerous potential friends
because no one can stand to be around you? Check.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
That you're a narcisstic fool who has lost numerous potential friends
because no one can stand to be around you? Check.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
You seem to have accidentally snipped something. Let me see what I can do.

Exactly what it seems to mean.
That you're a narcisstic fool who has lost numerous potential friends
because no one can stand to be around you? Check.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
What "game" would that be, pray tell?
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
16 years ago
The "game" of creating and writing original poetry...

You've already lost, then.