Bullshit. "keybeardist" is not a typo. O and E are on opposite sides of the keyboard. Try typing when you're sober. Oh, wait ... that would end all of your Usenet activity, eh? Never mind and carry on being a drunken goober.
[ Duck's remaining quacking snipped ]
-- Cm~
"I'm saying when it comes to serious drinking name brands are bullshit. Alchohol is alchohol." - Will "Goober Duck" Dockery, 15 Oct 2006
Bullshit. "keybeardist" is not a typo. O and E are on opposite sides of the keyboard.
Goddammit, now you want Will to distinguish left from right? We'll /all/ need bigger resistors...
Post by Barbara's Cat Try typing when you're sober. Oh, wait ... that would end all of your Usenet activity, eh? Never mind and carry on being a drunken goober. [ Duck's remaining quacking snipped ]
-- -------(m+ ~/:o)_| Gresham's Law is not worth a Continental. http://scrawlmark.org